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Sports for Seniors: 6 Exercises to Maintain Body Vitality

Physical activities should be part of the routine of those who are over 60 years old. At this stage of life, vitality is crucial for the changing bodies, minds, and emotions.

When suggesting activities for seniors or promoting a better quality of life, it’s important to consider exercise options. However, it’s crucial to emphasize the necessity of obtaining a doctor’s approval.

Outdoor Gym

Weight training can be safely practiced in outdoor gyms by the elderly. Depending on the practitioner’s physical conditions, it can be even more interesting than aerobic activities.

The best machines are the bicycle, the swivel, the seated row, the walking simulator, and the lumbar extensor.

This equipment fosters autonomy, prevents health issues, improves sleep, and encourages social interaction.

To make the best use of the exercises and avoid harm, it is necessary to invest in warm-ups and relaxations. If there is any feeling of unease, the practice should be suspended.


Overall, swimming has few contraindications at any stage of life. It is possible to practice the sport even if you have never learned to swim.

Water has a high relaxing power that lifts seniors’ well-being and mood while meeting new challenges gives seniors the confidence to carry out everyday tasks. The variation in intensity, type, and duration of this activity for seniors, on the other hand, improves the practitioners’ motor coordination and cognition.

Swimming is also an ally against respiratory diseases, as it increases the capacity and efficiency of the lungs. However, experts recommend that elderly individuals avoid swimming on freezing days, as sudden temperature differences can weaken their bodies.


People of any age can practice yoga, and even if you’ve never tried it before, you will experience health and mental benefits.

This activity for seniors strengthens bones and muscles, prevents falls, reduces anxiety and stress, reduces blood pressure, and improves concentration and memory.

In addition to these general aspects, each asana (posture) gives you specific benefits, with positions that help relieve back pain, strengthen the toes and arches of your feet, give flexibility to your legs and arms, and many others.

Starting the practice with the guidance of a specialist is essential to ensure the safety of the elderly, as incorrect execution of exercises can lead to injuries. After refining the movements with the teacher, yoga can be done daily at home.


Stretching exercises make a difference in increasing the body’s flexibility, range of motion, and old age muscle elasticity.

They also help to reduce muscle tension and provide relaxation. There are modalities and classes focused only on stretching, such as Tai Chi Chuan or RPG. Still, the practice can also be performed alone or complement activities such as weight training and running.

The ideal is to do about five stretches between 15 and 30 seconds each day, being careful to change the series daily so as not to stress the same muscles over and over again.


Yes, older people can also practice running, and the sport is growing among this group! Regardless of age, weight, or lifelong experiences with other activities, running can benefit seniors.

However, it is important to take into consideration certain factors that can impact the safety of the training. Insufficiently prepared bones and muscles can potentially impact joints, and there is a natural decrease in heart rate with age.

The priority of running for the elderly should be to provide quality of life and moments of distraction and not get the best performance, timing, or placement in the races.


Cycling is a great way to increase muscle mass, reduce body fat and improve your diet. These changes improve the elderly’s cardiovascular condition, reduce fatigue, and release endorphins responsible for the feeling of well-being.

Elderly practitioners can use cycling as a form of physical exercise, engaging in daily training to derive health benefits. Additionally, cycling can serve as a means of transportation, granting them increased autonomy for activities such as going to the market, visiting the doctor, or spending time with family.

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